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Whale Watching

In the Area

Birkenhead House has the best vantage point in Hermanus – standing proud on the clifftop above Voëlklip Beach.


Watch the spectacle unfold

From the main deck at Birkenhead House, you’ll see pods of dolphins splashing playfully within view, while Southern Right and Humpback whales drift past, leaving telltale spouts of mist as they exhale from their blowholes along the way. Between July and December – peak whale-watching season – your eyes will be glued to the ocean as these gentle creatures breach and land with a great crash on the ocean’s surface. On rare occasions Bryde’s whales can also be spotted.

There is a telescope in the main sitting room as well as numerous sets of binoculars for our guests to get a good look at these fascinating and calming creatures as they pass.

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