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23 August, 2023

Become an easy rider on an E-Bike

La Residence

Electrifying Winelands Adventures

Located in the Franschhoek Valley, La Residence is the perfect starting point from which to explore the captivating Cape Winelands. The glorious scenery and endless rows of vines are best discovered at a slower speed, so you can ‘smell the roses’ and more importantly, taste the wines and try the cheeses (and that’s just for starters)!

For an unforgettable Winelands tour, we recommend saddling up on one of our new – La Residence E-Bikes. Now you can immerse yourself in the beauty and flavours of the wine estates around La Residence, without having to work up too much of a sweat (unless of course you want to).

Unleashing the Power of E-Bikes

Our E-Bikes offer an effortless but still exhilarating way to navigate the countryside around La Residence. These electric bicycles are engineered to give your pedalling a boost and help you glide uphill just as easily as rolling downhill.

Whether you’re an avid cyclist or you’ve not used your Peloton stationary bike since the pandemic, our E-Bikes cater to all skill and fitness levels, ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone. Now you don’t have to be as fit as a Tour de France cyclist to ride to our neighbouring vineyards and experience French-style wines, and of course South Africa’s unique taste on varietals.


Take the Scenic Route

The Winelands are renowned for their breathtaking scenery, and with our E-Bikes, you can savour every moment of it – even the parts where the trail climbs upwards. Glide effortlessly through vineyards, orchards, and over rolling hills, all while breathing in the fresh air and soaking up the natural beauty that surrounds you. The La Residence E-Bikes let you cover more ground, uncover hidden gems, and capture picture-perfect moments at every turn.

As you pedal your way through the Winelands, take advantage of the E-Bikes’ convenience to visit renowned wine estates and boutique vineyards. Stop by for wine tastings, guided tours, and perhaps even a delectable picnic beneath a shady tree or amidst the vines. Our E-Bikes offer a unique way to enjoy wine country, allowing you to indulge in the finest vintages without worrying about having to drive home to La Residence.

Sustainable Travel

At La Residence, we are committed to sustainable travel practices. Our E-Bikes align with our eco-conscious philosophy, promoting eco-friendly transportation that reduces our carbon footprint by providing an alternative to cars for local journeys. By choosing to explore the Winelands on our E-Bikes, you’ll be contributing to preserving the environment and supporting responsible tourism.

Book your E-bike adventure today and get ready for an extraordinary journey powered by batteries, grapes and your own muscles (but only if you choose manual mode!).

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