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08 January, 2024
| The Silo Hotel

Rooftop Soirees and Sunsets

Written by: The Royal Portfolio
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Savour the extraordinary views from The Silo Rooftop

The Silo Hotel is located in the reimagined grain silo at the V&A Waterfront. For decades, it was the tallest building in southern Africa, and it’s still a commanding presence. You can enjoy the panoramic views through the cushioned glass windows of your room, but for the full experience, we recommend heading still higher…

“Few things in life are as rewarding as the view from the top”

Top 5 sights visible from The Silo Rooftop:

If you’re on your first visit to Cape Town, you can enjoy discovering the city from above; if you’ve been called back to a city you’re already in love with, you can retrace your adventures across the tapestry of streets, parks and waterways that define this unique urban space. The sea breeze will bring you tales from afar, while there’s an undeniable sense of freedom that comes from having nothing between you and the sky, with the ‘tablecloth’ clouds on the iconic flat-topped mountain so close that you could almost reach out and touch them.

  • Robben Island
  • Lion’s Head
  • The Cape Town Stadium (2010 FIFA World Cup)
  • Signal Hill
  • The Cape Wheel (V&A Waterfront)

A place to chill

Escape the heat of the streets and head up to the Rooftop for a more relaxed ambience. This is the perfect place to meet friends, whether you want to relive memories or plan new forays into Africa’s most cosmopolitan city. The Rooftop offers unparalleled sunset vistas, but we would always recommend arriving some time before the end of the day. Cape Town afternoons were always meant to be relaxed affairs, and few experiences are as deeply calming as watching the subtle shifts in the colours of the rocks, waves and building as the shadows start to lengthen and the first lights blink on. No two Cape Town evenings are ever the same – the sun may set with a gentle sigh or in a blaze of glory – but the experience of watching it with friends or family is always magical.

It’s all in the mix

If you find that all the fresh air gives you an appetite, our chefs have got you covered. The Rooftop menu draws on local culinary traditions and the very best of international food trends to offer you snacks and meals that contribute to the sense of wonder and lightness that comes with being so high off the ground.
Think bao buns, poke bowls and classic burgers – and allow our mixologists to build the ideal cocktail to accompany them. Top tip: try our signature cocktail – a Rose Ginvino – and capture the sunset in a glass.

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