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Empowers Africa

Make a donation to our Fiscal Sponsor in the USA

We’ve partnered with Empowers Africa to make it easier for our friends and guests in the United States to contribute to the ongoing conservation and community work of The Royal Portfolio Foundation.
Donations intended for The Royal Portfolio Foundation will now be paid directly, subject only to Empowers Africa’s 5% administration fee (which is for the donor’s account).

Empowers Africa has been approved as a U.S. public charity, contributions to which are tax deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes under Section 501(c)(3) [EIN: 32-0403737] of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.)

Banking Details

Credit Card Payments

For Credit Card Payments, please visit:

Wire Transfers

Wire transfer where the originating bank is located within or outside of the United States transmitting funds in U.S. Dollars directly to The Northern Trust Company:

Beneficiary Bank: The Northern Trust Company

Beneficiary Bank ABA: 071000152

Beneficiary Account Number: 3801518655

Beneficiary Account Name: Empowers Africa, Inc.

Please email Nadia Derelieva at [email protected] to notify Empowers Africa about your wire transfer and specify that the Funds are to be distributed to The Royal Portfolio Foundation.