Direct Booking

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Guest Enquiry

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More than memories, make a lasting impact
We believe passionately in investing in the future of Africa. When you choose to travel with us, you’ll be doing the same. All our rates include a conservation and community levy which goes directly towards uplifting local communities, promoting conservation and protecting the environment.

By visiting South Africa with The Royal Portfolio, you’ll gain vital awareness of the risks and challenges that our wildlife, wilderness and communities are facing – awareness that we hope you will share when you return home. Speak to your reservations consultant about taking part in volunteer programmes during your stay.

To learn more, please contact:

A lifelong passion

Growing up in the Biden family, Foundation champion Ali McAdam has seen first-hand how a handful of passionate and determined people can create something truly special and build a legacy that will benefit future generations.

Ali has dedicated her life to making sure that the positive impacts of tourism are shared with our stakeholder communities – the custodians of the wild places and urban spaces you’ll visit – and are used to benefit the wild animals that were here long before us.

Conservation & Community Projects

Each of our properties supports projects in nearby communities and ecosystems. When you travel with us, you’re supporting conservation and empowerment initiatives that are finding sustainable answers to urgent economic and environmental challenges.

Discover our Foundation Projects

Cape Town

The Silo Hotel


La Residence
Boat Trip


Birkenhead House

Greater Kruger

Royal Malewane

Your stay will make a difference

10 Nights

Foundation Itinerary

See for yourself how our community and conservation projects are transforming lives across South Africa and creating brighter futures for people and wildlife – and lend a hand.